A new bibliographical feature for SIMBAD : Highlighting the most relevant papers for one astronomical object Anais Oberto and Soizick Lesteven Christian Bonnin, Marianne Brouty, Chantal Bruneau, Catherine Brunet, Mihaela Buga, Sébastien Derrière, Aline Eisele, Françoise Genova, Sylvain Guéhénneux, Cécile Loup, Magali Neuville, Evelyne Son, Patricia Vannier, Philippe Vonflie, Marc Wenger, Fabienne Woelfel The number of bibliographical references attached to one astronomical object in SIMBAD is continuously growing over the years. It is important for the astronomers to retrieve the most relevant papers, those which give important information about the studied object. And it this not easy since, for instance in November 2013, more than 15.000 objects where attached to more than 50 references, 550 to more than 500 and the Large Magellanic Cloud is attached to more than 10.300 papers. As we have already shown (2003lisa.conf..243L), the location of the object's citations inside the paper and its number of occurrences are important criteria to extract the most relevant papers. Since 2008, thanks to the DJIN application (a semi-automatic tool to search object names in full texts) these information have been collected. For each article associated to one astronomical object, whichever of its name, we know where it is cited (title, keywords and abstract, but also subtitles, tables, figures, captions...), how many times and with which acronym it appears. From September 2013, the user of SIMBAD web site can choose to put in front the most relevant references, depending on the location (title, abstract or keywords, but also in tables). The information about the presence of the object name in tables and figures indicate that data about the object is likely available in that paper. Another new sorting formula combining all locations, number of occurrences, total number of objects studied, year will be presented.