Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 26-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati ABT94] NGC NNNN NN$

Details on Acronym:   [ABT94]
[ABT94] (Ajhar+Blakeslee+Tonry, 1994)
Write:<<[ABT94] NGC NNNN NN>>
N: 357
Object:GlCl  (SIMBAD class: GlobCluster = Globular Cluster)
Stat:is completely incorporated in Simbad
Note:Table 3: format 'NGC 3379 NN', N=60
Table 4: format 'NGC 4365 NN', N=41
Table 5: format 'NGC 4374 NN', N=41
Table 6: format 'NGC 4406 NN', N=41
Table 7: format 'NGC 4458 NN', N=29
Table 8: format 'NGC 4468 NN', N=21
Table 9: format 'NGC 4472 NN', N=41
Table 10: format 'NGC 4489 NN', N=16
Table 11: format 'NGC 4552 NN', N=41
Table 12: format 'NGC 4578 NN', N=26
in source:NGC 3379
in source:NGC 4365
in source:NGC 4374 = M 84
in source:NGC 4406 = M 86
in source:NGC 4458
in source:NGC 4468
in source:NGC 4472 = M 49
in source:NGC 4489
in source:NGC 4552
in source:NGC 4578
 Astron. J., 108, 2087-2101 (1994)
  VRI photometry of globular clusters in Virgo and Leo ellipticals.
oTables 3 to 12: <[ABT94] NGC NNNN NN> N=60+41+41+41+29+21+41+16+41+26
=E=Catalogue in electronic form as J/AJ/108/2087
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database