Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 17-May-2024)

Result of query: info cati D81b]$

Details on Acronym:   [D81b]
[D81b] (Dreher, 1981)
Write:<<[D81b] 3C NNN.N A>>
<<[D81b] 3C NNN.N W>>
<<[D81b] 3C NNN.N AN>>
N: 23
Object:Spot in (Rad)  (SIMBAD class: Radio = Radio Source)
Stat:is completely incorporated in Simbad
Note:Hotspots in 4 radio-sources:
A direction 'W' refers to the entire hotspot, while a letter 'A' refers to a more compact, bright subcomponent.
3C 33: N=1 south hotspot 'S', and N=1 subcomponent 'A'
3C 61.1: N=1 south hotspot 'S', and N=2 subcomponents A and B
3C 234: N=1 east hotspot ''E', and N=1 subcomponent 'A'
3C 390.3: N=7 subcomponents (Nos A-G), with No. C = center component = '[H72] C', N=4 jet knots (Nos J1-J4) in the '[H72] Np' bridge, N=4 knots (Nos N1-N4) in the neck between components B and F, and N=1 counterjet candidate No. L, in the '[H72] Sf' bridge.
See also [H72]
in source:3C 33
in source:3C 61.1
in source:3C 234
in source:3C 390.3
 Astron. J., 86, 833-847 (1981)
  High-resolution maps of the hotspots of several class II radio galaxies.
oTable IV: Spots in Cyg A = '[HR74] A'
oTable IV: <[D81b] 3C 33 A> N=1, <[D81b] 3C 33 S> N=1., <[D81b] 3C 61.1 A> (Nos A-B), <[D81b] 3C 61.1 S> N=1, <[D81b] 3C 234 A> N=1, <[D81b] 234 E> N=1, <[D81b] 3C 390.3 A> (Nos A-E).
 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 277, 1097-1114 (1995)
  The jets and hotspots of 3C 390.3.
oLobes Np and Sf = '[H72] Np' and '[H72] Sf'
o<[D81b] 3C 390.3 A> (Nos F, G, L) added. <[D81b] 3C 390.3 AN> (Nos J1-J4, N1-N4).
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database