Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 26-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati F88c] F2-NN$

Details on Acronym:   [F88c]
[F88c] (Freedman, 1988)
Write:<<[F88c] F1-NN>>
<<[F88c] F2-NN>>
N: 28+52
Object:Cepheid  (SIMBAD class: Cepheid = Cepheid Variable)
Note:Table 2: candidate Cepheids in 2 CCD fields: field 1: format 'F1-NN', (Nos 1-28). field 2: format 'F2-NN', (Nos 1-52)
in source:IC 1613
 Astrophys. J., 326, 691-709 (1988)
  New Cepheid distances to nearby galaxies based on BVRI CCD photometry. I. IC 1613.
oTable 2A: <[F88c] F1-NN> (Nos 1-28). Table 2B: <[F88c] F2-NN> (Nos 1-52)
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database