Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 26-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati HHC2004] H2O M16 col5 A$

Details on Acronym:   [HHC2004]
[HHC2004] (Healy+Hester+Claussen+, 2004)
Write:<<[HHC2004] H2O M16 colN>>
<<[HHC2004] H2O M16 colN A>>
<<[HHC2004] H2O M16 NBay A>>
<<[HHC2004] H2O M20 SE>>
<<[HHC2004] H2O M20 TCN A>>
<<[HHC2004] H2O NGC 2264>>
<<[HHC2004] H2O S140 A>>
N: 16
Object:H2O Maser  (SIMBAD class: Maser)
Note:Search for H2O masers emission associated with young low-mass protostars in HII regions with the VLA.
When several components are found, a letter 'A' is added at the end of the format.
in source:M 16 = Eagle Nebula = NGC 6611
in source:M 20
in source:NGC 2264
in source:SH 2-140
 Astrophys. J., 610, 835-850 (2004)
  A very large array search for water masers in six H II regions: tracers of triggered low-mass star formation.
oText: <[PAB98] πN> (Nos π4, π5) added. Table 3: <[HHC2004] H2O M16 col2> N=1, <[HHC2004] H2O M16 col4> N=1, <[HHC2004] H2O M16 col5 A> (Nos A-C), <[HHC2004] H2O M16 NBay A> (Nos A-C), <[HHC2004] H2O M20 SE> N=1, <[HHC2004] H2O M20 TC3 A> (Nos A-C), <[HHC2004] H2O NGC 2264> N=1, <[HHC2004] H2O S140 A> (Nos A-C).
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database