Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 26-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati KA2008] NGC 4194 N$

Details on Acronym:   [KA2008]
[KA2008] (Kaaret+Alonso-Herrero, 2008)
Write:<<[KA2008] NGC 4194 N>>
<<[KA2008] NGC 7541 NN>>
<<[KA2008] M 100 NN>>
<<[KA2008] NGC 4945 NN>>
N: 6+15+50+48
Object:(X)  (SIMBAD class: X = X-ray Source)
Note:Chandra observations of N=4 galaxies.
in source:NGC 4194
in source:NGC 7541
in source:M 100 = NGC 4321
in source:NGC 4945
 Astrophys. J., 682, 1020-1028 (2008)
  X-ray sources in the star-forming galaxies NGC 4194 and NGC 7541.
oTable 2: <[KA2008] NGC 4194 N> (Nos 1-6). Table 3: <[KA2008] NGC 7541 NN> (Nos 1-15). Table 5: <[KA2008] M 100 NN> (Nos 1-50). Table 6: <[KA2008] NGC 4945 NN> (Nos 1-48).
=E=Catalogue in electronic form as <J/ApJ/682/1020/>
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database