Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 10-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati KD98]$

Details on Acronym:   [KD98]
[KD98] (Karachentsev+Drozdovsky, 1998)
Write:<<[KD98] NGC NNNNW NNN>>
<<[KD98] UGC NNNN NN>>
N: 62+73+48+389+448+53
Object:*  (SIMBAD class: Star)
Note:Tables 3-7: stellar photometry of 5 late-type galaxies. See also [KDK97], [MKT98].
in source:NGC 4144
in source:NGC 4244
in source:NGC 4395
in source:NGC 4449
in source:UGC 8331
 Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 131, 1-10 (1998)
  Distances to five resolved galaxies in the Canes Venatici cloud.
oTables 3-7: <[KD98] NGC 4144 NN> (Nos 1-62), <[KD98] NGC 4244N NN> (Nos 1-73), <[KD98] NGC 4244S NN> (Nos 1-48), <[KD98] NGC 4395 NNN> (Nos 1-389), <[KD98] NGC 4449 NNN> (Nos 1-448), <[KD98] UGC 8331 NN> (Nos 1-53).
=E=Catalogue in electronic form as J/A+AS/131/1
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database