Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 26-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati LA83]$

Details on Acronym:   LA
LA (Liller+Alcaino)
Originof the Acronym: L (2000MNRAS.141..257A)

Details on Acronym:   [LA83]
[LA83] (Liller+Alcaino, 1983)= (LA)
Write:<<[LA83] NGC 253 NN>>
<<[LA83] NGC 253 A>>
<<[LA83] NGC 253 a>>
<<[LA83] NGC 55 A>>
<<[LA83] NGC 55 a>>
N: 63+3+4+51+3+20
Object:Poss. GlCl  (SIMBAD class: GlobCluster_Candidate = Globular Cluster Candidate)
Note:In NGC 253:
N=63 globular cluster candidates (Nos 1-63), and N=3 overluminous objects (Nos A-C), and N=4 blue objects (Nos a-d).
In NGC 55:
N=51 globular cluster candidates , and N=3 overluminous objects (Nos A-C). The blue objects in Fig.1, are not numbered here, but have a format 'a' (Nos a-t) in the ref. 2000MNRAS.311..673B. See also [B86c] and [BS2000]. Maps.
in source:NG 253
in source:NGC 55
 Astrophys. J., 265, 166-175 (1983)
  A search for globular clusters around the edge-on late-type spiral galaxy NGC 253.
oTable 2: <[LA83] NGC 253 NN> (Nos 1-63). Table 3: <[LA83] NGC 253 A> (Nos A-C), <[LA83] NGC 253 a> (Nos a-d).
 Astrophys. J., 264, 53-58 (1983)
  A search for globular clusters around the edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 55.
oThe blue objects in Fig.1, are not numbered here, but have a format 'a' in the ref. 2000MNRAS.311..673B.
oTable 2: <[LA83] NGC 55 NN> N=51 among (Nos 1-66), <[LA83] NGC 55 A> (Nos A-C). Fig.1: <[LA83] NGC 55 a> (Nos a-t).
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database