Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 19-Jul-2024)

Result of query: info cati LZG2007] ESO 325-11 N$

Details on Acronym:   [LZG2007]
[LZG2007] (Lee+Zucker+Grebel, 2007)
Write:<<[LZG2007] AM 1318-444 N>>
<<[LZG2007] ESO FFF-NN N>>
<<[LZG2007] IC NNNN N>>
N: 1+2+8+5+5+6+2+6
Object:HII  (SIMBAD class: HIIReg = HII Region)
Note:ESO 3.6m telescope EFOSC2 spectroscopic observations of HII regions in 8 dwarf galaxies.
in source:AM 1318-444
in source:ESO 272-25
in source:ESO 274-1
in source:ESO 324-24
in source:ESO 325-11
in source:ESO 381-20
in source:IC 4247
in source:IC 4316
 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 376, 820-840 (2007)
  Interstellar medium oxygen abundances of dwarf irregular galaxies in Centaurus A and nearby groups.
oFigs 1, 2, Table 13: <[LZG2007] AM 1318-444 N> (No. 1), <[LZG2007] ESO 272-25 N> (Nos 1-2), <[LZG2007] ESO 274-1 N> (Nos 1-8), <[LZG2007] ESO 324-24 N> (Nos 1-5), <[LZG2007] ESO 325-11 N> (Nos 1-5), <[LZG2007] ESO 381-20 N> (Nos 1-6), <[LZG2007] IC 4247 N> (Nos 1-2), <[LZG2007] IC 4316 N> (Nos 1-6).
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database