Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 10-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati MNP2009] KIG NNN RN$

Details on Acronym:   [MNP2009]
[MNP2009] (Madore+Nelson+Petrillo, 2009)
Write:<<[MNP2009] AM HHMM+DDd RN>>
<<[MNP2009] AM HHMM+DDd CN>>
<<[MNP2009] NGC NNNN RN>>
<<[MNP2009] NGC NNNN CN>>
<<[MNP2009] ARP NNN RN>>
<<[MNP2009] ARP NNN CN>>
<<[MNP2009] IC NNNN RN>>
<<[MNP2009] IC NNNN CN>>
<<[MNP2009] ESO 200-IG 009 RN>>
<<[MNP2009] ESO 200-IG 009 CN>>
<<[MNP2009] VII Zw 466 RN>>
<<[MNP2009] VII Zw 466 CN>>
<<[MNP2009] KIG NNN RN>>
<<[MNP2009] KIG NNN CN>>
<<[MNP2009] VV 256 RN>>
<<[MNP2009] VV 256 CN>>
Object:Part of G  (SIMBAD class: PartofG = Part of a Galaxy)
Note:Atlas and catalog of collisional ring galaxies from the Arp-Madore Atlas of Southern Peculiar Galaxies and Associations, supplemented with other known ring galaxies from the literature.
In the different formats used, RN refers to the ring nucleus and C to the companions/colliders.
 Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 181, 572-604 (2009)
  Atlas and catalog of collisional ring galaxies.
oIn table 1, components of AM 2100-725 are misprinted: AM 2056-392:AN instead of AM 2100-725:AN
oTable 1: <[MNP2009] AM HHMM+DDd RN>, <[MNP2009] AM HHMM+DDd CN>, N=-. Table 2: <[MNP2009] NGC NNNN RN>, <[MNP2009] NGC NNNN CN>, <[MNP2009] ARP NNN RN>, <[MNP2009] ARP NNN CN>, <[MNP2009] IC NNNN RN>, <[MNP2009] IC NNNN CN>, <[MNP2009] ESO 200-IG 009 RN>, <[MNP2009] ESO 200-IG 009 CN>, <[MNP2009] VII Zw 466 RN>, <[MNP2009] VII Zw 466 CN>, <[MNP2009] KIG NNN RN>, <[MNP2009] KIG NNN CN>, <[MNP2009] VV 256 RN>, <[MNP2009] VV 256 CN>, N=-.
=E=Catalogue in electronic form as J/ApJS/181/572
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database