Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 19-Jul-2024)

Result of query: info cati PV91]$

Details on Acronym:   PK
PK (Pickles+van der Kruit)
***** Avoid the usage of PK, prefer [PV91]
Originof the Acronym: A = Assigned by the author(s)

Details on Acronym:   [PV91]
[PV91] (Pickles+Van der Kruit, 1991)= (PK)
Write:<<[PV91] ClG 0024+1654 NNN>>
<<[PV91] ACCG 122 NN>>
N: 163+153+230+182+86+228
Object:G in ClG  (SIMBAD class: GtowardsCl = Galaxy towards a Cluster of Galaxies)
Note:Table 4(a): in ClG 0024+1654, format 'Cl 0024+1654 NNN', (Nos 1-163)
Table 4(b): in ACO 370, format 'A370 NNN, (Nos 1-153)
Table 4(c): in ACO 1525, format 'A1525 NNN, (Nos 1-230)
Table 4(d): in ACO 2397, format 'A2397 NNN, (Nos 1-182)
Table 4(e): in ACCG 122, format 'AC122 NN', (Nos 1-86)
Table 4(f): in ACO 1689, format 'A1689 NNN', (Nos 1-228)
in source:ClG 0024+1652 = HMS 0024+1654
in source:ACO 370
in source:ACO 1525
in source:ACO 2397
in source:ACCG 122 = ACO 3207
in source:ACO 1689
 Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 91, 1-52 (1991)
  Stellar populations in medium redshift clusters.
oAC 122 = ACCG 122
oTable 4(a): <[PV91] ClG 0024+1654 NNN> (Nos 1-163). Table 4(b): <[PV91] ACO 370 NNN> (Nos 1-153). Table 4(c): <[PV91] ACO 1525 NNN> (Nos 1-230). Table 4(d): <[PV91] ACO 2397 NNN> (Nos 1-182). Table 4(e): <[PV91] ACCG 122 NN> (Nos 1-86). Table 4(f): <[PV91] ACO 1689 NNN> (Nos 1-228)
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database