Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 19-Jul-2024)

Result of query: info cati SBW2010]$

Details on Acronym:   HH
HH (Smith+Bally+Walborn, 2010)
***** Avoid the usage of HH, prefer [SBW2010]
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database

Details on Acronym:   [SBW2010]
[SBW2010] (Smith+Bally+Walborn, 2010)= (HH)
Write:<<[SBW2010] NGC 3324 HHc-NN>>
<<[SBW2010] Carina HHc-NN>>
N: 15+5
Object:Cand. jet + Poss. Proplyd  (SIMBAD class: Unknown = Object of Unknown Nature)
Note:HST ACS/WFC observations of N=15 jet candidates in the Carina Nebula and N=5 proplyd candidates in the core of the Tr 14 cluster.
in source:NGC 3372 = Carina Nebula
in source:Cl Trumpler 14
 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 405, 1153-1186 (2010)
  HST/ACS Hα imaging of the Carina nebula: outflow activity traced by irradiated Herbig-Haro jets.
oThe bibcode for Smith et al. 2003 is 2003ApJ...587L.105S.
oFig. 2, Table 2: <HH NNNNA> (Nos 1002, 1003A-C, 1004-1018). Figs 21-29, Table 3: <[SBW2010] NGC 3324 HHc-NN> (Nos 1-2), <[SBW2010] Carina HHc-NN> (Nos 1-15). Fig. 29, Paragr. 3.4: <[SBW2010] JHHMMSS.ss+DDMMSS> N=5.
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database