Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 19-Jul-2024)

Result of query: info cati SHK91]$

Details on Acronym:   SHK
SHK (Strobel+Hodge+Kennicutt)
***** Avoid the usage of SHK, prefer [SHK91]
Originof the Acronym: A = Assigned by the author(s)

Details on Acronym:   [SHK91]
[SHK91] (Strobel+Hodge+Kennicutt, 1991)= (SHK)
Write:<<[SHK91] DDO NNN NN>>
<<[SHK91] Leo A N>>
<<[SHK91] Sextans B NN>>
<<[SHK91] SagDIG N>>
N: 37+4+12+12+33+6+3
Object:HII  (SIMBAD class: HIIReg = HII Region)
Stat:is completely incorporated in Simbad
Note:Table 2: HII in DDO 47, format 'DDO 47 NN', N=37
Table 3: HII in Leo A, format 'Leo A N', N=4
Table 4: HII in Sextans B, format 'Sextans B NN', N=12
Table 5: HII in DDO 167, format 'DDO 167 NN', N=12
Table 6: HII in DDO 168, format 'DDO 168 NN', N=33
Table 7: HII in DDO 187, format 'DDO 187 N', N=6
Table 8: HII in SagDIG, format 'SagDIG N', N=3
Maps Fig. 1 to 7
in source:DDO 47
in source:NAME Leo A
in source:Sextans B = DDO 70
in source:DDO 167
in source:DDO 168
in source:DDO 187
in source:NAME Sag dIG
 Astrophys. J., 383, 148-163 (1991)
  HII regions in seven dwarf irregular galaxies.
oTable 2: <[SHK91] DDO 47 NN> (Nos 1-37), Table 3: <[SHK91] Leo A N> (Nos 1-4), Table 4: <[SHK91] Sextans B NN> (Nos 1-12), Table 5: <[SHK91] DDO 167 NN> (Nos 1-12), Table 6: <[SHK91] DDO 168 NN> (Nos 1-33), Table 7: <[SHK91] DDO 187 N> (Nos 1-6), Table 8: <[SHK91] SagDIG N> (Nos 1-3)
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database