Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 26-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati TUM93] NGC 1365 a$

Details on Acronym:   [TUM93]
[TUM93] (Turner+Urry+Mushotzky, 1993)
Write:<<[TUM93] Mrk NNN N>>
<<[TUM93] NGC 1365a N>>
<<[TUM93] NGC 1365b N>>
<<[TUM93] NGC 1365 a>>
N: 13+5
Object:(X)  (SIMBAD class: X = X-ray Source)
Stat:is completely incorporated in Simbad
Note:ROSAT PSPC observations of companions of 6 Seyfert galaxies.
When there is just one companion, the authors use the designation 'companion', we use the numbering '1' in the format.
Objects 'NGC 1365 a' are candidate optical counterparts of X-ray sources. Maps in Fig.1
in source:Mrk 573
in source:Mrk 372
in source:NGC 1365
in source:Mrk 3
in source:Mrk 78
in source:Mrk 273
 Astrophys. J., 418, 653-667 (1993)
  Position sensitive proportional counter soft X-ray observations of Seyfert 2 galaxies.
oTable 2A: <[TUM93] Mrk NNN N> N=6, <[TUM93] NGC 1365a N> (Nos 1-2), <[TUM93] NGC 1365b N> (Nos 1-5). Table 3: <[TUM93] NGC 1365 a> (Nos a-e).
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database