Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 24-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati B96] LBS23$

Details on Acronym:   [B96]
[B96] (Bontemps, 1996)
Write:<<[B96] LNNNN N>>
<<[B96] LNNNNA N>>
<<[B96] LNNNNWN N>>
<<[B96] B217 N>>
<<[B96] TMC-2A N>>
<<[B96] Ori-I-2 N>>
<<[B96] LBSNN N>>
<<[B96] TDR12 N>>
<<[B96] OphB2 N>>
<<[B96] OphF N>>
<<[B96] Serpens NN>>
N: 64
Object:(Rad)  (SIMBAD class: Radio = Radio Source)
Note:From Bontemps S. Thesis, 1996.
N=64 VLA sources detected in 19 regions.
See also [BAW95], OphB2.
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database