Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 26-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati FD77] ACO 2319$

Details on Acronym:   FD
FD (Faber+Dressler)
***** Avoid the usage of FD, prefer [FD77]
Originof the Acronym: L = Found in the literature

Details on Acronym:   [FD77]
[FD77] (Faber+Dressler, 1977)= (FD)
Write:<<[FD77] ACO NNNN NN>>
<<[FD77] ACO 2256 A>>
N: 161
Object:G in ClG  (SIMBAD class: GtowardsCl = Galaxy towards a Cluster of Galaxies)
Note:Table I: G in 11 aco ClG. ACO 98: (Nos 1-13), format 'ACO 98 NN'. ACO 154: (Nos 1-12), format 'ACO 154 NN'. ACO 168: (Nos 1-13), format 'ACO 168 NN'. ACO 262: (Nos 1-13), format 'ACO 262 NN'. ACO 665: (Nos 1-4), format 'ACO 665 N'. ACO 754: (Nos 1-11), format 'ACO 754 NN'. ACO 1060: (Nos 1-11), format 'ACO 1060 NN'. ACO 1940: (Nos 1-20), format 'ACO 1940 NN'. ACO 2029: (Nos 1-18), format 'ACO 2029 NN'. ACO 2256: N=14 among (Nos A-X), format 'ACO 2256 A'. ACO 2319: (Nos 1-35), format 'ACO 2319 NN'.
in source:ACO 98
in source:ACO 154
in source:ACO 168
in source:ACO 262
in source:ACO 665
in source:ACO 754
in source:ACO 1060
in source:ACO 1940
in source:ACO 2029
in source:ACO 2256
in source:ACO 2319
 Astron. J., 82, 187-192 (1977)
  Radial velocities for galaxies in 11 clusters.
oTable I: <[FD77] ACO NNNN NN> N=147, <[FD77] ACO 2256 A> N=14 among (Nos A-X)
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database