Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 26-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati LAH97] LDN 1225$

Details on Acronym:   [LAH97]
[LAH97] (Lahulla+Aguirre+Hilton, 1997)
Write:<<[LAH97] LDN NNNN NN>>
<<[LAH97] LDN 1252ab NN>>
<<[LAH97] LDN 1252-2 NN>>
N: 299
Object:*  (SIMBAD class: Star)
Note:Maps Figs 1-11
Catalogue of stars in 9 LDN dark globules: In LDN 544: N=25, In LDN 549: N=32, In LDN 567: N=29, In LDN 543: N=59, In LDN 1113: N=18, In LDN 1031: N=24, In LDN 1225: N=28, In LDN 1257: N=21, LDN is divided into two lobes, lobe 'LDN 1252ab' and lobe 'LDN 1252-2' In LDN 1252ab: N=33, In LDN 1252-2: N=21
in source:LDN 544
in source:LDN 549
in source:LDN 567
in source:LDN 543
in source:LDN 1113
in source:LDN 1031
in source:LDN 1225
in source:LDN 1252
in source:LDN 1257
 Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 126, 73-80 (1997)
  (BVRI) photometric sequences for nine selected dark globules.
op.73: PG 1633 = PG 1633+099
oTables 2-11: <[LAH97] LDN NNNN NN>, <[LAH97] LDN 1252ab NN>, <[LAH97] LDN 1252-2 NN> N=299
=E=Catalogue in electronic form as J/A+AS/126/73
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database