Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 26-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati LPP2003] VV$

Details on Acronym:   [LPP2003]
[LPP2003] (Lee+Park+Park+, 2003)
Write:<<[LPP2003] NNNNN>>
<<[LPP2003] AA NN>>
N: 23800+85+37+12
Object:*  (SIMBAD class: Star)
Note:CFHT and BOAO observations.
BVI photometry of 23800 stars in the Sextans dwarf spheroidal galaxy.
In table 6: 'VI NN' stars are V* detected only in V and I, 'VV NN' stars are V* detected only in V, and 'MV NN' stars are [MFK95] VNN stars not detected as V* here.
in source:NAME Sextans Dwarf Galaxy
byLEE M.G. , PARK H.S., PARK J.-H., SOHN Y.-J., OH S.J., YUK I.-S., REY S.-C., LEE S.-G., LEE Y.-W., KIM H.-I., HAN W., PARK W.-K., LEE J.H., JEON Y.-B., KIM S.C.
 Astron. J., 126, 2840-2866 (2003)
  Deep wide-field BVI CCD photometry of the Sextans dwarf spheroidal galaxy.
oTable 3: <[LPP2003] NNNNN> (Nos 1-23800). Table 6: <[LPP2003] VI NN> (Nos 1-85), <[LPP2003] VV NN> (Nos 1-37), <[LPP2003] MV NN> (Nos 1-12).
=E=Catalogue in electronic form as J/AJ/126/2840