Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 26-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati MAP95] M 33 OB65$

Details on Acronym:   [MAP95]
[MAP95] (Massey+Armandroff+Pyke+, 1995)= (OB)
Write:<<[MAP95] NGC 6822 OBNN NNNA>>
<<[MAP95] M 33 OBNNN NNNN>>
<<[MAP95] NGC 6822 R-A>>
<<[MAP95] M 33 R-A>>
N: 166+490+19+18
Object:*  (SIMBAD class: Star)
Note:KPNO 2.1m telescope UBV photometry and KPNO 4m spectroscopy of the most luminous and massive stars in M 33 and NGC 6822.
Table 1, in NGC 6822: stars in OB assoc. in NGC 6822, format 'NGC 6822 OBNN NNN', N=166 among about 850
(in SIMBAD assoc. are named '[H77] Ass NN'),
Table 1, in M 33: stars in OB assoc. in M 33, format 'M 33 OBNNN NNNN', N=490 among about 4800
(in SIMBAD assoc. are named '[HS80] NNNa')
Table 2, in NGC 6822: stars in fields (Nos I-VI) in NGC 6822, format 'R-A', N=19
Table 2, in M 33: stars in fields (Nos I-VIII) in M 33, format 'R-A', N=18
in source:NGC 6822
in source:M 33 = NGC 598
 Astron. J., 110, 2715-2738 (1995)
  Hot, luminous stars in selected regions of NGC 6822, M31 and M33.
oCross-id. in NGC 6822: CW = CW Ass NNN, AM91 = [AM85] NGC 6822 NN, Ass OB = [H77] Ass NN. Cross-id. in M33: W = [W91b] Star NNN, RW = [RW93] Star NNN, HS80 = [HS80] NNNa for Ass., [HS80] BNNN for 'Blue'. Table 4: stars in M31 are 'MAC N-NNN'.
oTable 1: <[MAP95] NGC 6822 OBNN NNA> N=167, <[MAP95] M 33 OBNNN NNNN> N=490. Table 2: <[MAP95] NGC 6822 R-A> N=19, <[MAP95] M 33 R-A> N=18
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database

Details on Acronym:   OB
OB (OB Assoc.)
***** Avoid the usage of OB, prefer [MAP95]
Originof the Acronym: L (1998ApJ...505..793M)