Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 19-Jul-2024)

Result of query: info cati AG+83$

Details on Acronym:   AG
AG (Arce+Goodman) (Not yet in Simbad)
***** Avoid the usage of AG, prefer [AG99]
Originof the Acronym: A = Assigned by the author(s)

Details on Acronym:   AG
AG (Astr. Gesellschaft katalog)= AGK = AGK2 = (AGK/2) = AGK3 = (AGK/3) = (AGK3U)
Write:<<AG +DD NNNN>>
N: 170464
Object:*  (SIMBAD class: Star)
Note:The first AGK and second AGK2 editions are superseded by AGK3 Star Catalogue of positions and proper motions north of -2.5deg declination
1992AJ....103.1689B is an updated version of the AGK3.
The AGK3 proper motions are improved, using the Palomar 'Quick V' survey, reaching a formal mean error 0.82"/century.
The AGK3U positions have a mean error of 0.167" at an average epoch of 1950.62.
 AGK3 Catalogue, 0-None (1975)
  AGK3 : star catalogue of positions and proper motions, north of 2 .5 declination : derived from photographic plates taken at Bergedorf and Bonn in the years 1928-1932 and 1956-1963.
o<AG+DD NNNN>, <AG+DD NNNN.n>, N=180000.
 Astron. J., 103, 1689-None (1992)
  The AGK3 U: an updated version of the AGK3.
o<AG+DD NNNN> N=170464.
=E=Catalogue in electronic form as I/176
=E=Catalogue in electronic form as I/61
Originof the Acronym: L = Found in the literature

Details on Acronym:   AG
AG (Allen+Goss)
***** Avoid the usage of AG, prefer [AG79]
Originof the Acronym: L (1984ApJ...277..542H)

Details on Acronym:   AG
AG (Anticenter Galactic)
***** Avoid the usage of AG, prefer [GB2001]
Originof the Acronym: A = Assigned by the author(s)

Details on Acronym:   AGK
AGK (Astr. Gesellschaft Katalog)
Note:Superseded by AGK3
====>Equivalent to: AG

Details on Acronym:   AGK/2
AGK/2 (Astr. Gesellschaft Katalog, 2nd version)
Note:Superseded by AGK3
***** Avoid the usage of AGK/2, prefer AG

Details on Acronym:   AGK/3
AGK/3 (Astr. Gesellschaft Katalog, 3rd version)
***** Avoid the usage of AGK/3, prefer AG

Details on Acronym:   AGK2
AGK2 (Astr. Gesellschaft Katalog, 2nd version)
Note:Superseded by AGK3
====>Equivalent to: AG

Details on Acronym:   AGK3
AGK3 (Astr. Gesellschaft Katalog, 3rd version)
====>Equivalent to: AG

Details on Acronym:   AGK3U
AGK3U (AGK3 Updated)
====>Equivalent to: AG
Originof the Acronym: A = Assigned by the author(s)