Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 26-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati CARLA$

Details on Acronym:   CARLA
CARLA (Clusters Around Radio-Loud AGN)
N: about 420  (SIMBAD class: ClG = Cluster of Galaxies)
Note:The CARLA project has used 400 hours of Spitzer time to image 420 high-redshift radio-loud AGN, searching for associated galaxy clusters (CARLA = Clusters Around Radio-Loud AGN). That work is reported in Wylezalek et al. (2013, 2014). Our follow-up 40 orbit Hubble program is starting to confirm some of these clusters, and our desire is to use the "CARLA" designation for spectroscopically confirmed clusters. The first spectroscopic confirmation is submitted, and the next set of two papers should be submitted this month. We are also doing ground-based follow-up using a variety of telescopes (i.e., Keck, VLT, Palomar, ....).
Wylezalek et al. (2013ApJ...769...79W, 2014ApJ...786...17W)
Cooke et al. (submitted); Noirot et al. (in prep.); Rettura et al. (in prep.)
Notes:The actual source coordinates listed above are for the target radio-loud AGN, but the AGN isn't always exactly at the cluster center (nor is it always obvious to identify the center of a young, forming cluster). Thus our desire to use the HHMM+DDMM format rather than something more exact.
Auth.:Daniel Stern

Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology
Originof the Acronym: p = Pre-registered to IAU Comm.5