Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 19-Jul-2024)

Result of query: info cati ChIPS$

Details on Acronym:   ChIPS
ChIPS (Champlane Infrared Plane Survey)
N: 1000000
Object:*  (SIMBAD class: Star)
Note:ChaMPlane is a multiwavelength survey.
This catalog (ChIPS) of Infrared sources will join our X-ray catalog CXOPS and our optical catalog ChOPS.
Preliminary references: 2003AN....324...57G, 2003AN....324..176Z.
Notes:The Chandra Multiwavength Plane (ChaMPlane) Survey of the galactic plane incorporates serendipitous sources from selected Chandra pointings in or near the galactic plane (b < 12deg, >20 ksec, lack of bright diffuse or point sources) to measure or constrain the luminosity function of low-luminosity accretion sources in the Galaxy.
The primary goal is to detect and identify accreting white dwarfs (cataclysmic variables, with space density still uncertain by a factor of >10-100), neutron stars and black holes (quiescent low mass X-ray binaries) to constrain their space densities and thus origin and evolution.
Secondary objectives are to identify Be stars in high mass X-ray binaries and constrain their space densities, and to survey the H-R diagram for stellar coronal sources.
A parallel optical imaging under the NOAO Long Term Survey program provides deep optical images using the Mosaic imager on the CTIO and KPNO 4-m telescopes.
The 36x36arcmin optical images (Halpha, R, V and I) cover 5X the area of each enclosed Chandra ACIS FOV, providing an extended survey of emission line objects for comparison with Chandra.
Spectroscopic followup of optical counterparts is then conducted, thus farwith WIYN and Magellan.
In the highly obscured fields in the PLane and toward the Galactic Center, an infrared survey is being made, to identify the X-ray sources that cannot be detected at optical wavelengths.
This catalog contains all ChaMPlane Infrared point sources, their positions, J,H,Ks magnitudes and links to probable counterparts in our X-ray and optical catalogs.
Originof the Acronym: p = Pre-registered to IAU Comm.5

Details on Acronym:   CHIPS
CHIPS (Clusters Hiding in Plain Sight)
***** Avoid the usage of CHIPS, prefer [SMG2021]
Originof the Acronym: A = Assigned by the author(s)