Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 26-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati Cl* IC 2602 A NNNA$

Details on Acronym:   Cl* IC 2602 A
Cl* IC 2602 A (Anthony-Twarog)
Write:<<Cl* IC 2602 A NNNA>>
<<Cl* IC 2602 A A>>
N: 19+8
 Astrophys. J., 245, 247-257 (1981)
  A photometric and spectroscopic search for white dwarfs in the young open cluster IC 2602.
oTable 1: Numbering with N<146 is Braes numbering, 'IC 2602 NNN' in SIMBAD.
oTable 1: <Cl* IC 2602 A NNNA> (Nos 6A, 60A, 79A, 133A) and N=15 among (Nos 202-330). Table 3: <Cl* IC 2602 A A> N=8 among (Nos B-O).