Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 24-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati Cl* NGC 5904 SB 2-NNN$

Details on Acronym:   Cl* NGC 5904 SB
Cl* NGC 5904 SB (Sandqvist+Bolte)
Write:<<Cl* NGC 5904 SB N-NNN>>
N: 105+438+446
Stat:is completely incorporated in Simbad
Rem:In the format, the first digit 'N' stands for the table number:
Table 1: The AGB Star Sample.
Table 2: The RGB Star Sample.
Table 4: The Nonvariable HB Star Sample.
Table 3: The RRLyrae stars are 'Cl* NGC 5904 SAW VNNN' in SIMBAD.
 Astrophys. J., 611, 323-337 (2004)
  Exploring the upper red giant and asymptotic giant branches: the globular cluster M5.
oTable 1: <Cl* NGC 5904 SB 1-NNN> (Nos 1-1 to 1-105). Table 2: <Cl* NGC 5904 SB 2-NNN> (Nos 2-1 to 2-438). Table 3: <Cl* NGC 5904 SAW VNNN> (No. V169) added. Table 4: <Cl* NGC 5904 SB 4-NNN> (Nos 4-1 to 4-446).
=E=Catalogue in electronic form as <J/ApJ/611/323/>