Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 26-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati MRSS 145-234788$

Details on Acronym:   MRSS
MRSS (Muenster Red Sky Survey)
N: about 5500000
Object:G  (SIMBAD class: Galaxy)
Note:Large-scale galaxy catalogue for the red spectral region covering an area of 5000 square degrees, based on 217 ESO Southern Sky Atlas R Schmidt plates with galactic latitudes less than -45 degrees.
The catalogue contains identifier, effective radius, major and minor semi-axis (arc sec), apparent ellipticity, position angle, r(F) magnitude, raw and extinction corrected, RA and Dec.
Actual source coordinates are given in hours/fractions of hours, and degrees/fractions of degrees.
Originof the Acronym: p = Pre-registered to IAU Comm.5

Details on Acronym:   MRSS
MRSS (Muenster Red Sky Survey)
N: about 5500000
Object:G  (SIMBAD class: Galaxy)
Note:Large-scale galaxy catalogue for the red spectral region covering an area of 5000 square degrees, based on 217 ESO Southern Sky Atlas R Schmidt plates with galactic latitudes less than -45 degrees.
In format, FFF stands for the atlas plate number and NNNNNN for the running number of the objet on the plate.
Originof the Acronym: A = Assigned by the author(s)