Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 19-Jul-2024)

Result of query: info cati Ns$

Details on Acronym:   Ns
Ns (Nordstrom)
***** Avoid the usage of Ns, prefer [N75]

Details on Acronym:   Ns
Ns (Nolthenius)
***** Avoid the usage of Ns, prefer [N93]
Originof the Acronym: L = Found in the literature

Details on Acronym:   NS
NS (Nurnberger+Stanke)
***** Avoid the usage of NS, prefer [NS2003]
Originof the Acronym: A = Assigned by the author(s)

Details on Acronym:   NS
NS (Neckel+Staude)
***** Avoid the usage of NS, prefer [NS84]
Originof the Acronym: L = Found in the literature

Details on Acronym:   Ns
Ns (Nordstrom)
Write:<<PN Ns NNN>>
N: 1
Object:PN  (SIMBAD class: PlanetaryNeb = Planetary Nebula)
Stat:is completely incorporated in Simbad
Note:PN Ns 238 = PN G254.6+00.2 = PK 254+00 1
 Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 21, 193-239 (1975)
  A spectral survey of the Southern Milky Way. II. O-B5 stars, l=237 to 281.
oTable 3: <[N75] NNN> N=562 among (Nos 1-568). [N75] 238 = <PN Ns 238>.

Details on Acronym:   NS
NS (N. Sanduleak)
***** Avoid the usage of NS, prefer [S71d]
Originof the Acronym: L (2001NewAR..45..135V)

Details on Acronym:   NS
NS (N. Sanduleak)
***** Avoid the usage of NS, prefer Sk