Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 19-Jul-2024)

Result of query: info cati PN M$

Details on Acronym:   M
M (Minkowski)= (Min)
Write:<<PN M 1-NN>>
<<PN M 2-NN>>
<<PN M 3-NN>>
<<PN M 4-NN>>
N: 80+56+55+18
Object:PN  (SIMBAD class: PlanetaryNeb = Planetary Nebula)
Stat:is completely incorporated in Simbad
Note:'PN 1-NN': (Nos 1-80), (Nos 81-103) are HII named 'Min 1-NNN'
'PN 2-NN': (Nos 1-56), (Nos 57-74) are HII named 'Min 2-NN'
'PN 3-NN': (Nos 1-55), (Nos 56-62) are HII named 'Min 3-NN'
'PN 4-NN': (Nos 1-18), 4th list introduced by Perek+Kohoutek, from a list of Minkowski, 1965
Objects are not numbered in the original lists, they have been numbered later in the literature. PN M 2-1 (Table I, 2nd ref.) is stated to be non existent in Perek+Kohoutek
 Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 58, 305-309 (1946)
  New emission nebulae.
oTable I: <PN M 1-NN> (Nos 1-1 to 1-80). Table II: <Min 1-NNN> (Nos 1-81 to 1-103)
 Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 59, 257-259 (1947)
  New emission nebulae (II).
oTable I: <PN M 2-NN> (Nos 2-1 to 2-56). Table II: <Min 2-NN> (Nos 2-57 to 2-74)
 Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 60, 386-388 (1948)
  New emission nebulae (III).
oTables I, II: <PN M 3-NN> (Nos 3-1 to 3-55). Table III: <Min 3-NN> (Nos 3-56 to 3-62)

Details on Acronym:   Min
Min (Minkowski)
***** Avoid the usage of Min, prefer M