Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 19-Jul-2024)

Result of query: info cati PN Th 4-NN$

Details on Acronym:   Th
Th (The)
Write:<<PN Th 1-A>>
<<PN Th 2-A>>
<<PN Th 3-NN>>
<<PN Th 4-NN>>
N: 10+3+68+11
Object:PN  (SIMBAD class: PlanetaryNeb = Planetary Nebula)
Stat:is completely incorporated in Simbad
Note:List 1: format 1-A, (Nos A-J), N=10. List 2: format 2-A, (Nos A-C), N=3 List 3: Format 3-NN, Table I in the ref. 1964CoBos..26....1T, (Nos 1-36), Th 3-22 is a nova. A 'private communication' of The+Perek+Kohoutek continues the list. List 4: Format 4-NN, Table I in the ref. 1964CoBos..28....1T
byTHE P.S.
 Contr. from the Bosscha Observ. Lembang., -1-None (1962)
  Hα emission objects in a dark region in Aquila and Scutum.
oTables II, III, IV: <THA 14-NN> (Nos 14-1 to 14-62). Table v: <PN Th 1-A> (Nos 1-A to 1-J).
byTHE P.-S.
 Contr. from the Bosscha Observ. Lembang., -1-None (1962)
  Faint Hα-emission objects in nebulosities surrounding the star m Cen.
oTables I, II, III: <THA 17-NN> (Nos 17-1 to 17-90). Table IV: <PN Th 2-A> (Nos 2-A to 2-C).
byTHE P.S.
 Contr. from the Bosscha Observ. Lembang., 26, 1-4 (1964)
  Thirty six new planetary nebulae.
oTable I: <PN Th 3-NN> (Nos 3-1 to 3-36).
byTHE P.S.
 Contr. from the Bosscha Observ. Lembang., 28, 1-2 (1964)
  Eleven new planetary nebulae.
oTable I: <PN Th 4-NN> (Nos 4-1 to 4-11).