Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 10-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati vMa 1-NN$

Details on Acronym:   VM
VM (van Maanen)
***** Avoid the usage of VM, prefer vMa
Originof the Acronym: L = Found in the literature

Details on Acronym:   vMa
vMa (van Maanen)
Write:<<NAME vMa N>>
N: 1
Object:*  (SIMBAD class: Star)
Note:only star quoted: vMa 2 = GJ 35 = Wolf 28 = van Maanen's star. this star is a white dwarf with large proper motion. Use GJ 35

Details on Acronym:   vMa
vMa (van Maanen)= (VM)
Write:<<vMa 1-NN>>
<<vMa 2-NN>>
N: 89+16
Object:PM*  (SIMBAD class: HighPM* = High Proper Motion Star)
Note:Table 1: format '1-NN', (Nos 1-89). Stars with proper motion. Table 2: format '2-NN', (Nos 1-16). Physical companions of stars with large proper motion.
 Astrophys. J., 88, 27-33 (1938)
  Investigation in proper motion, twentieth paper: proper motions in fields of stars with large motion.
oTable 1: <vMa 1-NN> (Nos 1-89), Table 2: <vMa 2-NN> (Nos 1-16)
Originof the Acronym: L = Found in the literature