WISE All-Sky Release data products available

Created: April 17, 2012 - 14:50 CEST

Several WISE All-Sky Release data products are now available through CDS services :

The WISE All-Sky Release catalogue (563921584 sources) is available in VizieR

The WISE images (bands W1, W2, W3 and W4 at 3.4, 4.6, 12 and 22 �m) are available in Aladin as all-sky surveys from the Allsky tab.

Please note that these surveys have a limited resolution of 12 arcmin. They have been generated from the WISE raw Atlas images, and are not background matched nor zodi-corrected.

Finally, the WISE all-sky catalogue is also available in our cross-match service, with a restricted set of columns. Users can upload their own list of positions and efficiently find positional co-incidences in the WISE catalogue.