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Very Large Catalogues in SIMBAD


Tycho and TGAS

The Tycho Reference Catalogue, so-called Tycho-1, Hog et al. 1998 (1998A&A...335L..65H, I/250 in VizieR) was entirely ingested in SIMBAD in 2006. The methodology used at that time has unfortunately not been documented.

The Tycho-2 Catalogue, Hog et al. 2000 (2000A&A...355L..27H, I/259 in VizieR), has been entirely ingested in SIMBAD in 2012. It is the largest catalogue ever ingested in SIMBAD with the software COSIM (see ...). About 1% of the objects that could not be cross-identified properly with the content of SIMBAD, usually because there was two or more objects at a similar position, were just created without cross-identification; these problematic cases are progressively solved. Note also that some Tycho-2 sources do not have accurate coordinates (often because the proper motions are incorrect), up to 3-5'' away from the best Gaia position.For sake of completness, new objects in The Tycho double star catalogue, Fabricius et al. 2002 (2002A&A...384..180F, I/276 in VizeR) have been added in 2017.

In total there are 2,574,870 TYC identifiers in SIMBAD.

The Gaia DR1 astrometry (coordinates, proper motions, parallax) was added on 2,057,050 TYC stars from the TGAS catalogue, Gaia Collaboration 2016 (2016A&A...595A...2G, I/337/tgas in VizieR) in 2017. It is however obsoleted by the next releases of Gaia.

Gaia DR2

Gaia EDR3



-- CecileLoup - 2022-05-06

Topic revision: r1 - 2022-05-06 - CecileLoup
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