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Distributed Computing and Data day

Tuesday 6 May 2003, Observatoire Astronomique, Grande Coupole

CDS public Web page

9:15 Welcome coffee

9:30 Tutorial : Distributed Computing

Emmanuel Jeannot - Loria lab - Tutorial (pdf)

11:30 Adapting parallel programs for the Grid

Stéphane Genaud - ICPS - LSIIT - Presentation (pdf)

12:00 Lunch break

14:00 Clustering experience with a Catalog service (VizieR)

André Schaaff - Observatoire de Strasbourg - CDS - Presentation (pdf)

14:20 TERAPIX example

Emmanuel Bertin - IAP Presentation (pdf)

14:45 Accessing distributed data : the GLU experience

Pierre Fernique - Observatoire de Strasbourg - CDS - Presentation (pdf)

15:10 Projet TLSE

Marc Pantel - ENSEEIHT-IRIT - Intro (pdf) Presentation (pdf)

15:35 Pléiade

Christophe Pichon - Observatoire de Strasbourg - (PDF available soon)

16:00 Coffee and Discussions

17:00 End

Topic revision: r1 - 2008-09-23 - AndreSchaaff
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