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Journée thématique "Images" (multispectrales, représentation colorée), mardi 15 mars 2005, Observatoire de Strasbourg

Registered participants

CDS public Web page


All talks in english

Morning session, F. Murtagh


9:30 Spectra cube visualization inside GILDAS, J. Pety, IRAM Grenoble

10:15 Coffee

10:30 Parametric estimation methods of multivariate data for multi-component image segmentation, S. Derrode, Institut Fresnel, Marseille

11:15 Texture analysis in the hyperspectral space using stochastic methods, X. Descombes, INRIA Sophia Antipolis

12:00 Lunch

Afternoon session, A. Bijaoui

14:00 Multispectral imaging : classification and source separation, A. Bijaoui, OCA Nice

14:45 VisIVO: a VO oriented tool for Analysis and Visualization of Astrophysical data, C. Gheller - CINECA Bologna, M. Comparato - INAF Catania

15:30 Coffee

15:45 3D surface reconstruction from multiple images , A. Jalobeanu, LSIIT Strasbourg

16:30 Discussions and conclusion

Topic revision: r1 - 2008-09-23 - AndreSchaaff
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