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23 March 2018


Content: HiPS network, 17 HiPS nodes, HEASARC, China-VO, ANU, IPAC, CADC - 2 new servers

PanSTARRS - biggest HiPS TB per band, G is on-line since ~Dec 2017 Colour HiPS in progress. Size causes challenges in terms of time and management of data. Hipsgen adapted accordingly. Done on 2 machines. Biggest issue is actually managing transfers of the data. Involves management of many small files - 40x10^6 files

EuroPlanet - many planet surface HiPS now done. Origin of data - USGS, open and available, and credit well defined - paper by C. Marmo (F-X included as author)

HiPS Cut-out service - LM XMM uses HiPS with cutout as replacement of old image server - New service to make the cutouts but only available to SSC-XMM. Used as preparation for more general SIAPv2 service that acts on HiPS - Old service can now be stopped

Thumbnail generation used by the portal, now cleaned up and documented

Planning for new storage system (mi-lourds) Request for tape backup storage - at present we don't have the means to backup the original data

Stats - 20 million per day HiPS access. But biased when large clone copies are being made. New version 10.76 - many upgrades detected Debian - under control

Aladin Lite

Progress on aspects related to requests of ESO. Previewer improvements - SIMBAD pointer, access to catalogues Jerome De.. widget for python notebooks MA - issues wrt ESASky

NOAJ - HiPS viewer WebGL

VizieR - a discussion meeting was held (this week) - opened discussion about future evolution of technical framework of VizieR ingestion - - Time domain, and first use of meta-time (AN, SD +, equivalent to data metaSED, - check which catalogues) - ESO catalogues - no news after visit last November. ESO icon now included - integration of PanSTARRS DR1, after getting the data from STScI 200,000 queries per month on PanSTARRS - preparation for Gaia DR2, April 25 (planning meeting in week after Easter) - Ingestion of associated data not well integrated into documentalist process.

- new URL for the cone-search, following request from ESA (Euro-VO registry) - now possible to do the query by (non-coordinate) constraint ** important - use of Docker for mirrors. Japan not able to use docker - (many mirrors using docker) - EPNTAP working... (get details) good impact for small requeired effort on our part

- TAPVizieR - a number of problems becuae of archtechture chosen first, but improved now. (Check with GM when he arrives)

X-Match - Canadian - ask Daniel Durand when he visits

SIMBAD - difficult to keep up to date with augementation of VizieR tables - big cleaning operation on the measurements section of SIMBAD. Replaced by links to VizieR. 30 reference re-treated for parallax, in part in preparation for Gaia. - Need to define who has the role of making the links between SIMBAD and VizieR - science and technical aspects. there is also a process for NED connections, it would be good to homogenize these. Need to follow-up on management of links being made by external sites. - DR2 is a big change for SIMBAD. LC TB discussing the parameters for inclusion in SIMBAD. Need to identify which subsets of objects have good enough coordinates for X-id with Gaia.

AO - we don't have the right system for replication

CL - gs4sim needs to look at Gaia first - evolution as a result of Gaia DR2

AO - CfA docker mirror works well. It was difficult to install, but now it is done. GM coming in May - need to have a meeting to plan

Jan - upgrade to Dictionary to facilitate work of MB and FW. TB/AO - possibility to use Git ???

AO - discuss DJIN2 Grobid before GORBID camp

BV - reflection on revision of dictionary necessary - 2 yr plan ??

Biblio - results of TD work - MNRAS - videocon necessary - New Astronomy - following up with ADS, but some bizzare problems wth page numbers etc. - machine cdsbib machne - need to see whther virtualisable - Librarians meeting paris - next week

Portal/Integration - Portal operating - M. Baumann - python library

-- MarkAllen - 2018-03-23

Topic revision: r3 - 2018-03-23 - MarkAllen
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