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# Proposition Description Remarques Responsables
  R01 Report - VO France Workflow Report VO France Workflow activities to VOTECH   André
  S01 Standard - Workflow Characterization Apply Characterization to workflow use cases Cross-DS (DS6) André, François B, Cyril, Brice, Mireille
  P01 Prototype - UWS-PA Connect the CDS framework for UWS to the job-execution code carried over from CEA v1. From this prototype, draft the specification for the UWS-PA interface. Develop the prototype code as a beta release, but expect the production release to occur in stage 7. Collaboration avec AG André, Cyril
  P02 Prototype - CDS UWS Candidates Identify and implement other UWS candidates at CDS
- Using the UWS REST binding framework
- Improvement of this framework and packing for distribution
Collaboration avec Guy Rixon André, Cyril
  P03 Prototype - Access logs Cross the Aladin, Simbad and VizieR access logs
- Extraction of scenarios
- Modeling of a first set of workflow use cases
- Propose an another way to access the services ?
Cross-DS (DS4) André, ...
  C06 Production - Aladin workflow plugin Finalize Aladin workflow plugin (based on JLOW)   Cyril
  C07 Production - WS BP Support for VO WS BP to 1.0, but depends upon VOSI   André
  T05 Study - Workflow Use Cases Test the different use cases with other tools than AÏDA. Study the use with Taverna (discussion with K. Benson) Collaboration avec AstroGrid André, Cyril
- Check existing implementations
- Identify possible interoperability problems
- Report at the IVOA interop in Trieste
Collaboration avec Norman Gray André
  T04 Cross-match Cross-match web service
- Robustify
- First public release in coming months
- Benchmarking on typical use cases
- Provide UWS for REST interface using Cyril's library
- Study how to adapt algorithm to cross-match efficiently VizieR catalogues
  Thomas, Sébastien, Cyril
  T05 Instrument footprints - Finalize implementation of new format in Aladin
- Improve footprint editor
- More shapes (polygons, pickles, labels)
- Allow user to set color and transparency level
- Increase number of default footprints in Aladin
  Thomas, Pierre
  T06 Common interface to CDS services - Collect use cases requiring threaded access to different CDS services
- Links with workflow activity (Andre Schaaff, DS3)
- Links with DS5 (Automatic tagging of VizieR tables with VOcabulary, mapping between Simbad object types and VOcabulary)
- Possible hiring of 1 FTE on this development
Cross-DS (DS3, DS5) Pascal Wassong, Sébastien, Thomas
  T07 Facilitate use of PLASTIC helper applications from Aladin - Use case : "I have queried an SSAP service, and would like to fire up a spectrum visualizer to display selected spectra"
--> find an application supporting loadSpectra message, launch it, and send the spectrum via PLASTIC
- Need a descriptive list of PLASTICized applications (supported messages, launch command line, etc)
- Links with applications software metadata in Registry
  Pierre, Thomas
  T08 Second User Tools Prototype Release The Second User Tools Prototype Release to DS2 is a contractual delivery due in March 2008. Tools and components specific to DS4 need to be isolated and indexed similar to the 1st prototype release.    
    Gap Analysis DS plans should include some kind of "gap analysis" so that for S7 and S8 we can come up with a good completion plan.
-- quote of Chairperson of VOTECH Board

Therefore, it is recommended that partners consider the
1. recommendations in the DS4 study report section no. 9 and
2. the IVOA roadmap 2007 ...
...when preparing plans for stage 7 and 8. A number of currently missing capabilities are subject of task IVOA 2nd generation data access.
  D01 Resource Discovery Study Report The study report should summarize the studies done in the scope of DS5 on various aspects: ontologies, knowledge bases, metadata extraction and management, VO resource search and queries, ... Concerne tous les partenaires VOTech  
  D02 Resource Discovery Prototype 2 Second prototype release for DS5. Mainly based on ontologies developments. Concerne tous les partenaires VOTech  
  T01 Common interface to CDS services Design study of a common interface to the CDS services (VizieR, SIMBAD, Aladin). A FTE might be hired.

- Automatic tagging of VizieR tables with standard words from the Vocabulary
- Allow improved descriptions in the Registry
- Search VizieR and SIMBAD using vocabulary words as starting point
Cross-DS (DS4.T06)  
  T02 Registry query tool - Switch to registries v1.0 after nov 1st.
- Use standard vocabularies for advanced queries
- Improve link with VOexplorer
  T03 Photometric systems description - Advanced description of photometric systems used in tabular data
- Link with characterization DM
Cross-DS with DS4 for SED building Sébastien
  T04 Ontology of astronomical object types - Improve the SIMBAD consistency checker
- Check measurements consistency WRT object types
- Check if inconsistent otypes come from components merging for compound objects
- Improve overall speed
- Improve the ontology from the checker results
- Develop other use-cases
Collaboration entre CDS et INAF Alexandre, Andrea, Sébastien
  T05 Object names recognition Follow-up of the work on the object names identification in papers.

- Detailed analysis of performances, and history of improvements (batch processing of complete volumes)
- Release stable version 1.0
- SIMBAD update:
   o Automated use of the tool for minor journals
   o Replace SIMBAD console
   o Re-scan past articles
- Compute weight of an object in a paper
- Tag PDF documents with bookmarks and direct links to SIMBAD
  Christian, Soizick
  T02 Gap analysis This is a new activity, for all partners to undertake. The aim is to take a step back and assess what should be done during the final two stages of the project's lifetime, both from the perspective of what things we said we'd do but haven't, and, with the benefit of what we have done so far, what the best things to do now, in preparation for future Euro-VO work. A wiki page has been set up Ds6GapAnalysis? on which people can record their thoughts about this and what is recorded there will be folded into preparation for the Stage07 plan.    
  T10 Characterisation/Observational Data Model standards Further work on these standards will include aiding the deployment of services implementing these standards, defining use cases for the furture development of the standards, and applying the Characterisation data model to CDS workflows.   François B
  T11 DAL standards Work on DAL standards during Stage06 will centre on contributions to the development of the SIA2 standard, taking account of concepts from TAP, and also include completion of the use of the DAL extension mechanism in the Aladin server.   François B
  T12 PLASTIC and SAMP The DS6 team will contribute to the development of the proposed SAMP messaging protocol, based on PLASTIC. Collaboration avec AG Thomas


DS3: Stage 6 Plan

DS4: Stage 6 Plan

DS5: Stage 6 Plan

DS6: Stage 6 Plan

-- ThomasBoch - 04 Feb 2008

Topic revision: r6 - 2008-03-06 - AndreSchaaff
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