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Tuesday October 16

10h30 - Welcome and introductions
10h40 - CDS Activity Report 2017-18 (M. Allen)
11h20 - Vizier + Big Catalogues (G. Landais, P. Ocvirk, T. Boch)
11h40 - SIMBAD (A. Oberto, C. Loup, S. Lesteven)
12h - Lunch (Buffet - for all CDS + council)
14h - Aladin + Aladin Lite (P. Fernique, C. Bot, T. Boch)
14h30 - Unistra Data Centre
15h - Disaster Recovery Plans
15h30 - Coffee break
16h - Cross-matching service and developments (F-X.Pineau)
16h20 - Demonstration - Big Data integration in CDS services (TBD)
16h30- 17h - Discussion
19h Dinner (Council Members) [Restaurant - TBD ]

*Wednesday October 17*

9h - Science Team work (B. Vollmer)
9h20 - R&D and Training (A. Schaaff )
9h40 - CDS plans and challenges (M. Allen)
10h - Coffee
10h30 - 14h30 Closed sessions (including lunch for council members)

-- - 2018-09-26

Topic revision: r1 - 2018-09-26 - AnaisOBERTO
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