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UCD describing metadata

For example attributes of data models, WCS keywords, etc...

Many concepts related to metadata information are not covered by the original UCDs. A good example is trying to describe some data model attributes or FITS headers keywords with UCDs.

Below are a few examples of things that one could want to describe (click links to download files):

  • Attributes of IDHA data model. Mireille has worked on assigning UCDs to the current attributes.
  • VOX : VO "experimental" UCD, defined for SIAP
    • Roy Williams suggested some ucd for vox
    • List of VOX elements for input to the assignment tool
    • Example result of the automated assignment
  • Andrea did some experiments on extracting FITS keywords from images coming from various surveys:

Common concepts between VOX, IDHA model, FITS and UCDs

I have tried to find similarities between attributes of the IDHA data model and VOX elements, and possibly FITS keywords, and how UCDs could fit into this. Below is a summary. Suggested new UCDs have been indicated by ucd=?? The first line of each paragraph defines the concept that is described by VOX or IDHA.

Number of axes of an "image" ucd=?? data.wcs.naxis
= VOX:Image_Naxes
= IDHA:Geometry:Nb_dimensions

Size of an image axis ucd=?? data.wcs.naxisN
= VOX:Image_Naxis (note this is an array of values...)
= IDHA:Geometry:Dimension_tab (note this is an array of values...)

Size of a pixel in sky coordinates ucd=?? data.wcs.cdelt
= VOX:Image_Scale (note this is an array of values...)
= IDHA:Observation:PixelSize

Format, extension, MIME-type for a file or an image ucd=?? data.file.type
= VOX:Image_Format
= IDHA:Observation:CodingType, Observation:Available_Codings (ARRAY!!), 
   View:Visualisation_Coding, Coding:Type_of_Coding, 

Identification of the bandpass (filter?) ucd=?? inst.filter,id
= VOX:BandPass_ID
= IDHA:Filter:FilterName

Bandpass reference value (frequency, wavelength, or energy) ** can there be a global ucd ?
= VOX:BandPass_RefValue
= IDHA:Filter:Effective_wavelength (more restrictive, ucd=inst.wavelength.effective)

Upper limit of the bandpass 
= VOX:BandPass_HiLimit
= IDHA:Filter:Maximal_wavelength (more restrictive, ucd=inst.wavelength,max)

Lower limit of the bandpass.
= VOX:BandPass_LoLimit
= IDHA:Filter:Minimal_wavelength (more restrictive, ucd=inst.wavelength,min)

File size (in bytes, kb, Mb) ucd=?? data.file.size
= VOX:Image_FileSize
= IDHA:LinktoPixels:Size_of_File

-- SebastienDerriere - 24 Jun 2003
Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Texttxt IDHA-assign.txt manage 10.7 K 2003-09-25 - 21:41 AndreSchaaff IDHA fields with suggested existing or new UCDs
HTMLhtml VOX-list-assign.html manage 23.1 K 2003-09-25 - 21:44 AndreSchaaff Result of assignment for VOX
Texttxt VOX-list.txt manage 1.2 K 2003-09-25 - 21:43 AndreSchaaff Input list of VOX terms with shortened description
Unknown file formatassign VOX-roy.assign manage 3.7 K 2003-09-25 - 21:42 AndreSchaaff Roy proposal for replacing VOX by UCD
HTMLhtml fits-keywords-assign.html manage 277.3 K 2003-09-25 - 21:46 AndreSchaaff Result of assignement for FITS keywords
Texttxt fits-keywords.txt manage 13.8 K 2003-09-25 - 21:44 AndreSchaaff Input list for FITS keywords
Topic revision: r1 - 2003-09-25 - AndreSchaaff
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