Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 17-May-2024)

Result of query: info cati MS2009]$

Details on Acronym:   [MS2009]
[MS2009] (Marengo+Sanchez, 2009)= ([MS2009a])
Write:<<[MS2009] XFLS N>>
<<[MS2009] Bootes NN>>
N: 3+10
Object:Poss. Brown Dwarf  (SIMBAD class: BrownD*_Candidate = Brown Dwarf Candidate)
Stat:is completely incorporated in Simbad
Note:L and T dwarfs in the Spitzer First Look Survey and the Bootes field of the Spitzer Shallow Survey.
 Astron. J., 138, 63-75 (2009)
  A k-NN method to classify rare astronomical sources: photometric search of brown dwarfs with Spitzer/IRAC.
oTable 4: <[MS2009] XFLS N> (Nos 1-3). Table 5: <[MS2009] Bootes NN> (Nos 1-10).
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database

Details on Acronym:   [MS2009a]
[MS2009a] (Marengo+Sanchez, 2009)
Note:L and T dwarfs in the Spitzer First Look Survey and the Bootes
***** Avoid the usage of [MS2009a], prefer [MS2009]
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database