Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 19-Jul-2024)

Result of query: info cati LMC-BM$

Details on Acronym:   BM
BM (Blanco+McCarthy)
***** Avoid the usage of BM, prefer LMC-BM
Originof the Acronym: L = Found in the literature

Details on Acronym:   LMC-BM
LMC-BM (LMC, Blanco+McCarthy)= (BM)
Write:<<LMC-BM FF-NN>>
N: 849
Object:Carbon *  (SIMBAD class: C* = Carbon Star)
Stat:is completely incorporated in Simbad
Note:Extension of the BMB survey of Blanco V.M.+ to 49 additional fields
in source:Magellanic Clouds:LMC = LMC
 Astron. J., 100, 674-685 (1990)
  Identification of 849 cool-carbon LMC stars.
oFinding charts. The positions of the LMC-BM stars in the field 37 are a ll erroneous by 4.5': 50s. too high in right ascension and 2' too low in declin ation (see 2003A&A...402..801L).
oTable 2: <LMC-BM FF-NN> N=849.
=E=Catalogue in electronic form as <J/A+A/402/801/>
Originof the Acronym: A = Assigned by the author(s)