Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 19-Jul-2024)

Result of query: info cati MAPS$

Details on Acronym:   APS
APS (Automated Plate Scanner)
***** Avoid the usage of APS, prefer MAPS
Originof the Acronym: L (2000A&A...355..461A)

Details on Acronym:   MAPS
MAPS (Minnesota Automated Plate Scanner)= (APS)
N: about 100000000
Object:?  (SIMBAD class: Unknown = Object of Unknown Nature)
Note:First reference with 741 stars from the Minnesota Automated Plate Scanner.
Notes:The Minnesota Automated Plate Scanner has been online at http://aps.umn.edu/ for over five years. The project is scanning the POSS-I and constructing a catalog of all the objects on the plates matched on both O and E plates; the complete catalog will be available in summer 2001 (technical contact: Juan Cabanela, ) In the final archived MAPS, all O and E objects are cross-identified.
The fields are identified by their 3 digit POSS-I field designation, and the object ID number is the O emulsion "starnum", a number generated during the scanning process and guaranteed to be unique for each object in a field. This alleviates a problem where approximately 0.001per100 of E objects were matched to multiple O objects (usually the object appears as multiple objects in the O but not in the E).
The designation by field number is necessary because some objects in plate overlap regions will lie on two, possibly up to four fields (in the corners). All these data are kept even when they are duplicate observations of the same object: this allows future users to decide how to deal with the duplicate observations, and. given the vignetting in the plate overlap regions, multiple observations may be useful.
Note that the references for objects in previous catalogs (MAPS-NGP and MAPS-PP) were in a different format.
However, since each E and O emulsion number corresponds to a single POSS-I field, it will be a simple matter to map out each of those objects to its "new" MAPS designation. The "starnum" in those cases (used in the NNNNNNN portion of both the "old" and "new" designations) will be identical.
It is recommended that any future catalogs using a subset of the MAPS archive data, either use the existing MAPS designations or if new acronyms are used, the designations should follow a similar format, namely MAPS-AA PFFF-NNNNNNN or MAPS-AAA PFFF-NNNNNNN or MAPS-AAAA PFFF-NNNNNNN where the POSS-I field number and O-emulsion "starnum" ID are used. The AA, AAA, or AAAA refers to the nature of the subfield, type of object, or to the initials of the authors' last names (and is unique - i.e. it does not already appear in the Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects). It is recommended that any such new acronyms be pre-registered with the IAU, using the form at http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/DicForm.
 Astron. J., 127, 1567-1578 (2004)
  The asymmetric thick disk: a star-count and kinematic analysis. II. The kinematics.
oTable 4: <MAPS AFFF-NNNNNNN> N=741.
=E=Catalogue in electronic form as J/AJ/127/1567
Originof the Acronym: p = Pre-registered to IAU Comm.5