Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 19-Jul-2024)

Result of query: info cati Wray$

Details on Acronym:   W
W (Wray)
***** Avoid the usage of W, prefer Wray

Details on Acronym:   Wr
Wr (Wray)
***** Avoid the usage of Wr, prefer Wray

Details on Acronym:   Wra
Wra (Wray)
***** Avoid the usage of Wra, prefer Wray

Details on Acronym:   Wray
Wray (Wray)= (W) = (Wr) = (Wra)
Write:<<Wray 15-NNNN>>
<<Wray 16-NNN>>
<<Wray 17-NNN>>
<<Wray 18-NNN>>
<<Wray 19-NN>>
N: 1887+423+113+323+55
Object:Em* + PN + Poss. PN + C*  (SIMBAD class: Unknown = Object of Unknown Nature)
Note:The number of the table is included in the format: Table XV: (Nos 1-1887), Em.*, format '15-NNNN'. 53 objects Wray 15-NNNN are compiled as PN (see ref. 1983A&AS...54..315A) Table XVI: (Nos 1-423), PN, format '16-NNN'. Table XVII: (Nos 1-113), Poss. PN, format '17-NNN'. Table XVIII: (Nos 1-323), C*, S*, format '18-NNN'. Table XIX: (Nos 1-55), Em.obj., format '19-NN'. 4 objects Wray 19-NN are compiled as PN (see ref. 1983A&AS...54..315A)
 Thesis, 3-207 (1966)
  A study of H-α emission objects in the Southern Milky Way.
oIn the tables, col(2): Henize numbers are not in SIMBAD.
oTable XV: <Wray 15-NNNN> (Nos 15-1 to 15-1887). Table XVI: <Wray 16-NNN> (Nos 16-1 to 16-423). Table XVII: <Wray 17-NNN> (Nos 17-1 to 17-113). Table XVIII: <Wray 18-NNN> (Nos 18-1 to 18-323). Table XIX: <Wray 19-NN> (Nos 19-1 to 19-55).
=E=Catalogue in electronic form as <III/277/>