VPHAS DR4 H-alpha

Explore this ESO survey with Aladin.

Created: April 23, 2024 - 18:00 CEST
Updated: June 12, 2024 - 09:44 CEST
Reading time: 3 minutes

The VPHAS+ DR4 H-alpha HiPS

The images of the VPHAS DR4 H-alpha ESO survey have been turned into a recently released new HiPS image survey, which can be explored with Aladin Desktop or Aladin Lite :

The original ESO images have been processed with the Montage IPAC library in order to correct the local sky background, and this greatly improves the overall survey aspect as can be seen below.

VPHAS DR4 H-alpha HiPS without any correction.

VPHAS DR4 H-alpha HiPS without any correction.

VPHAS DR4 H-alpha HiPS with local sky background correction on HEALPix pixels at order 6.

VPHAS DR4 H-alpha HiPS with local sky background correction on HEALPix pixels at order 6.

VPHAS DR4 H-alpha HiPS with global sky background correction using Montage.

VPHAS DR4 H-alpha HiPS with global sky background correction using Montage.

Mini tutorial : mystery object

This mini tutorial demonstrates the usage of SAMP, STMOCs and the IMCCE SkyBot service.