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Library and Information Services in Astronomy (LISA) VII: Open Sciences - at the Frontier of Librerianships

Le site de LISA VII : http://eventi.oacn.inaf.it/lisa7/

Registration deadline: 25 May. Moins cher avant le 1er mai ! Program

Le site de LISA : http://www.eso.org/sci/libraries/lisa.html

La soumission des abstracts (deadline 30/11/2013):

Sujet 1. Paper. Working together at CDS: the symbiosis between astronomers, IT specialists and documentalists. (Perret+) Abstract

Sujet 2. Poster. How documentalists update Simbad. (Buga+) Abstract

Sujet 3. Poster. Management of catalogs at CDS & support to project. (Landais+) Abstract

Sujet 4. Paper. A new bibliographical feature for SIMBAD : Highlighting the most relevant papers for one astronomical object. (Oberto & Lesteven+) Abstract

Sujet 5. Poster. TWiki: a collaborative space of internal documentation, an efficient way to work together. (Son & Eisele+) Abstract

-- EmmanuellePerret - 2013-11-22

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatodt Abstract-LISA-VII.odt manage 29.1 K 2013-11-25 - 12:47 EvelyneSon TWIKI : A COLLABORATIVE SPACE OF INTERNAL DOCUMENTATION, AN EFFICENT WAY TO WORK TOGETHER
Unknown file formatodt LISA_abstract_workingtogether.odt manage 26.3 K 2013-11-22 - 17:11 EmmanuellePerret Abstract pour Soumission du papier "Working together at CDS: a symbiosis between astromers, documentalists and IT specialists
Unknown file formatodt LisaVII_Simbad_input.odt manage 17.3 K 2013-11-22 - 17:13 EmmanuellePerret Abstract pour soumission du poster : "HOW DOCUMENTALISTS UPDATE SIMBAD"
Texttxt lisaVII_catalogs_BigData.txt manage 1.3 K 2013-11-22 - 17:12 EmmanuellePerret Abstract pour soumission du poster : "Management of catalogs at CDS & support to project"
Texttxt pertinence_objects.txt manage 1.9 K 2013-11-22 - 18:30 EmmanuellePerret Abstract submission : "A new bibliographical feature for SIMBAD : Highlighting the most relevant papers for one astronomical object "
Topic revision: r7 - 2014-07-09 - EmmanuellePerret
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