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Statistics for Projets Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
2024-05 3023 0 0 239 UseCasesPortailCDS
238 RegularExpressionList
173 WebCreateNewTopic
127 PortailCDS
105 VizierIndex
 82 ExConversion
 64 RefontePortail
 63 VOTechDS5
 49 AddAnnotationsInPdf
 41 VizDensityMapsByLambda
2024-04 2476 0 0 188 UseCasesPortailCDS
177 RegularExpressionList
113 PortailCDS
 78 ExConversion
 68 VizierIndex
 67 WebCreateNewTopic
 58 RefontePortail
 55 VOTechDS5
 46 AddAnnotationsInPdf
 35 LoginWidget
2024-02 3000 0 0 224 WebCreateNewTopic
184 UseCasesPortailCDS
140 RegularExpressionList
106 PortailCDS
 63 RefontePortail
 59 VizierIndex
 55 AddAnnotationsInPdf
 50 WebHome
 50 VOTechDS5
 48 WhyPdfNoHtml
2024-01 2335 0 0 203 WebCreateNewTopic
122 UseCasesPortailCDS
109 PortailCDS
106 RegularExpressionList
 76 VOTechDS5
 67 AddAnnotationsInPdf
 66 VizDensityMapsByLambda
 65 VizierIndex
 54 RefontePortail
 37 LoginWidget
2023-12 2708 0 0 140 RegularExpressionList
128 UseCasesPortailCDS
114 VOTechDS5
108 WebCreateNewTopic
 90 PortailCDS
 86 AddAnnotationsInPdf
 55 VizierIndex
 55 RefontePortail
 53 VizDensityMapsByLambda
 51 ExConversion
2023-11 97 0 0   5 VOTechDS5
  4 VizierIndex
  4 AddAnnotationsInPdf
  4 PdfFileAnalysis
  4 WebHome
  4 UseCasesPortailCDS
  3 ProjetNIDS
  3 ProjetAVO
  2 RegularExpressionList
  2 ProjectStatusMain
2023-10 3811 0 0 167 AddAnnotationsInPdf
148 RegularExpressionList
126 UseCasesPortailCDS
119 WebCreateNewTopic
 84 PortailCDS
 74 WebHome
 73 RefontePortail
 69 ExConversion
 65 VOTechDS5
 59 VizierIndex
2023-09 1036 0 0  73 RegularExpressionList
 68 WebCreateNewTopic
 35 UseCasesPortailCDS
 25 AddAnnotationsInPdf
 24 RefontePortail
 15 LesQuestionsGLPI
 13 WebHome
 12 LoginWidget
 12 PortailCDS
 11 DraftDS4StudyReportCDS
2023-08 1654 0 0 133 WebCreateNewTopic
 71 RegularExpressionList
 65 VOTechDS5
 49 AddAnnotationsInPdf
 45 UseCasesPortailCDS
 33 RefontePortail
 29 LoginWidget
 21 ProjetVOTech
 19 ExConversion
 18 Test
2023-06 235 0 0  21 WebCreateNewTopic
 14 LesQuestionsGLPI
 13 ProjetAIIDA
  5 VizierSearch
  4 VizierIndex
  4 VizDensityMapsByLambda
  4 TextExtractionToolsFromPdf
  4 VOTechCDSDeliverablesCycle05
  3 DeploiementPortail
  3 LoginWidget
2023-04 636 0 0  26 SimPlayTODOJuly09
 25 WebCreateNewTopic
  7 MiseEnPlaceRTRequest
  6 TextExtractionToolsFromPdf
  6 Test
  6 LesLogsLiens
  6 VizierSearch
  5 AidaFlexViewer
  5 WebIndex
  5 LesQuestions
2023-03 3827 0 0 2549 SimPlayTODOJuly09
351 WebCreateNewTopic
 80 LoginWidget2
 42 PortailCDS
 42 YesNoTitleDjin
 41 InteractionPortailServices
 31 MiseEnPlaceRTRequest
 22 ProjetNIDS
 15 WebPreferences
 11 WebChanges
2023-02 547 0 0  27 WebCreateNewTopic
  5 LesLogsLiens
  4 DjinDocumentation
  4 WebNotify
  4 CauseObjectNotFound
  4 WebChanges
  4 CDSLogos
  4 MainAdvancedDoc
  3 AdminAnnotations
  3 ProjectStatus
2023-01 542 0 0  66 ProjectStatus
 52 SimPlayTODOJuly09
 10 UseCasesPortailCDS
  8 ProjetPlanck
  5 TextExtractionToolsFromPdf
  5 OpenID
  5 LesLogsLiens
  4 DjinDocumentation
  3 RefontePortail
  3 VOTechPropositionsCycle04
2022-11 145 0 0  13 AddAnnotationsInPdf
  6 WebCreateNewTopic
  5 EmbeddedFontsProblem
  5 TextExtractionToolsFromPdf
  5 MainAdvancedDoc
  3 LoginWidget
  3 CommunicationInterWidget
  3 DjinDocumentation
  3 DraftDS4StudyReportCDS
  3 InteractionsHerschelAladin
2022-07 111476 0 0 51728 ProjectStatus
30722 SimPlayTODOJuly09
13413 ProjetPlanck
6859 UseCasesPortailCDS
1570 OpenID
766 SimbadClean
668 RefontePortail
543 Djin
500 InteractionsHerschelAladin
420 DraftDS4StudyReportCDS
2022-06 18 0 0   2 ProjetNIDS
  2 VOTechPreparationCycle03
  1 TextExtractionToolsFromPdf
  1 AutomaticRecognitionObjectNames
  1 DjinDeuxReu280917
  1 ObjectNamesToIdList
  1 VOTechPropositionsCycle04
  1 RetourDuTestOsTicket
  1 ProjetPadoue
  1 CDSLogos
2021-09 6 0 0   1 VoSpace
  1 PdfFileAnalysis
  1 WidgetsVizieRGraphs
  1 CDSLogos
  1 GenerateSimbadCommandFile
  1 WebNotify
2020-10 14 1 0   8 Djin-Latex
  1 CommunicationInterWidget
  1 Djin
  1 RetourDuTestOsTicket
  1 ProjetNIDS
  1 LesQuestions
  1 MiseEnPlaceRTRequest
  1 AnaisOBERTO
2020-09 166 1 1   5 WebHome
  5 WebSearch
  4 VoSpace
  4 AutomaticRecognitionObjectNames
  4 Test
  4 TextExtractionToolsFromPdf
  4 Grilles
  4 Djin
  3 CDSLogos
  3 ProjetMda
  2 AnaisOBERTO
2020-08 100 17 0  46 Djin-Latex
 20 Djin
  4 WebCreateNewTopic
  2 DjinDeux
  2 WebChanges
  2 CDSLogos
  1 LoginWidget
  1 WebPreferences
  1 ProjetMda
  1 AidaGWS
 17 AnaisOBERTO
2020-07 142 0 0   3 YesNoTitleDjin
  3 WebCreateNewTopic
  3 WebHome
  3 VizieR
  2 VOTechPropositionsCycle03
  2 SimplayTodoItem100
  2 TextExtractionToolsFromPdf
  2 ObjectNamesToIdList
  2 SkySurveys
  2 CDSLogos
2020-06 104 0 0   4 WebChanges
  3 AutomaticRecognitionObjectNames
  2 ProjetPlanck
  2 ReunionAvancement012006
  2 ProjetCoSADIE
  2 WebPreferences
  2 AidaRegistry
  2 DjinDeux
  2 WebIndex
  2 VOTechCDSDeliverablesCycle05
2020-05 5 0 0   3 WebHome
  1 DraftAladinPLASTICDS6StudyReport
  1 EspaceCollaboratif
2020-03 3 0 0   2 WebHome
  1 DataPreservation
2020-02 5 0 0   2 WebHome
  1 DjinDeuxReu280917
  1 ProjetCoSADIE
  1 Test
2019-11 2 0 0   1 CDSLogos
  1 VizierSearch
2019-06 94 0 0   2 PortailCDS
  2 NouveauxPlugins
  2 ReunionAvancement012006
  2 GridDay
  2 VOTechReunion04072006
  2 SkyNode
  2 VOTechPreparationCycle03
  2 WebChanges
  2 WebHome
  2 ProjetPadoue
2019-02 114 0 0   3 WebSearch
  2 VoSpace
  2 WebHome
  2 DjinDeuxTraining
  2 DjinDeux
  2 DataPreservation
  2 ArchitectureNewSesame
  1 GaiaCU9ReunionAvancementNov2015
  1 CDSLogos
  1 XMatchOnCluster
Jul 2007 144 39 0  42 VOTechCDSDeliverablesCycle05
 17 ProjetVOTech
 16 VOTechReunion03072007
 12 VOTechCycle05
  9 VOTechCycle04
  8 WebHome
  5 VOTechPropositionsCycle04
  3 VOTechReunion04072006
  3 ObjectNamesToIdList
  3 DraftDS4StudyReportCDS
  3 AutomaticRecognitionObjectNames
 36 ThomasBoch
  2 AndreSchaaff
  1 ChristianBonnin
Feb 2006 123 41 8  21 VOTechPreparationCycle03
 16 VOTechDS5
 15 ReunionAvancement012006
 15 ProjetVOTech
 10 WebHome
  7 VOTechCycle02
  7 Reunion10022006
  5 VOTechCycle03
  4 WebRss
  4 SkyNode
  3 VOTechPreparationCycle02
 26 BriceGassmann
 16 ThomasBoch
  6 AndreSchaaff
  1 PierreFernique
Mar 2005 64 11 0  28 WebRss
 16 ImageDay
  7 Day1People
  5 MdaDays
  2 WebHome
  2 ProjetMda
  1 WebStatistics
  1 ProjetVO-Australie
  1 ProjetPadoue
  1 GridDay
 11 AndreSchaaff
Feb 2005 32 0 0  19 WebRss
  4 WebHome
  4 ProjetMda
  2 ProjetPadoue
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebChanges
  1 ProjetPlanck
Dec 2004 19 2 0  12 WebHome
  2 WebNotify
  2 WebChanges
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebSearch
  2 AndreSchaaff


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Topic revision: r68 - 2024-05-25 - TWikiGuest
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